Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm Thankful for....

First and foremost... that God loved us so much that he wanted to better understand us by having the human experience through His Son, who showed us by example how to treat others before He made eternity available to us with His sacrifice.

I am thankful for … a husband who I cannot say enough good things about. He has always been a better spouse to me than I am to him. He has been the “wind beneath my wings” for over 35 years. May sound too mushy, but the truth very simply.

I am thankful for … 2 wonderful, kind, caring, and funny daughters who are so competent with and committed to what they do

I am thankful for … 3 precious grandchildren and one yet to come as well as a son-in-law that is a devoted husband and father

I am thankful for … parents who loved me, were proud of me, and believed I could do whatever I set my mind to, as well as their characteristics I have tried to learn: compassion and soft-heartedness from my mother and determination and self-confidence from my dad.

I am thankful for … Christian examples, love, and support from grandmothers, aunts, and uncles, in-laws, nieces, nephews, and great nieces and nephews, as well as the opportunity to see my daughters (two from birth and one bonus) and friends’ children to develop faith that assures me they will always be in God’s care.

I am thankful for … a faith that has grown over the years and the difficult times which forced that growth that probably would not have happened otherwise

I am thankful for … so many wonderful friends who are like the sisters I never had.

I am thankful for … a church family that is motivated by loving and caring for one another in its missions

I am thankful for … many neighbors who have become friends

I am thankful for … co-workers who I learn from every day and have such great respect for

I am thankful for … a beautiful world and all the living things we enjoy, as well as the variety of seasons and the life lessons there—live life to the fullest(summer), wind down (fall), rest and reflect (winter), and then open yourself to new possibilities again (spring)

I am thankful for … material blessings which I do not wish to prioritize, but certainly must acknowledge

I am thankful for … my health which in spite of my not taking adequate care of myself and some minor problems, is not too bad and I am still able to help others when needed

I am thankful for … beautiful flowers of all colors, birds at the feeder , herons and our ducks (even ranting Donald) in the lake, and our hawks in the air, as well as turkeys, deer, chickens, and even cows that wander into our yard on occasion

I am thankful for … words and their power in sharing thoughts, feelings, and ideas

I am thankful for … our country and the freedoms, responsibilities, and blessings that come with it

I am thankful for … my own 57 years of life, love, and learning

I am thankful for … organizations who represent and serve those with needs, such as the respectful appreciative meeting of needs for our elderly, education of young children and their parents, support that improves the education of children with special needs, and work for those youngsters in neglectful or abusive situations

I am thankful for pets--ours in particular who have brought me pleasure, but are truly therapuetic for Stan. Over the years, we have had Strider and briefly brother Bilbo, Missy, dear Abbie, and currently sweet Maggie. They have all had their own unique, but lovable personalities. Even one of several barn kitties who are generally pretty aloof sought love and attention and wormed his way into our hearts (Sancho). Pets are one of God's gifts to us.

And again for God, who is always there for me


  1. Thanks for the shout-out. You're pretty swell yourself.

    But what about Mags?!

  2. A man cried because he had no shoes, until he saw the man who had no feet! God bless you. We all have so much to be thankful for. Please come and read Godamongus, I would love to hear your opinion about all the topics.
