Thursday, July 1, 2010

Beth Moore - Living Beyond Yourself

My prayer group is doing their first Bible Study. We have read lots of books by great Christian authors and discussed them--as well as doing lots of chatting. It is new to dig into study where you look up tons of verses because they aren't written there for you. Its been good. With a Southern Baptist childhood, I'm kind of going back to my roots. The point of this study so far has been the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and all that does automatically for us as Christians, but more importantly what is available that is often not pursued. We do have to request and give permission for complete filling by the spirit and many of us never do that or realize there is more to gain by doing so. This involves the fruit of the spirit including love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control. Aren't these qualities we would all like to have?

Our DVD for the end of unit 2 focused on being in tune to the spirit for guidance in decisions. As God may be trying to tell you either A) yes, do this, B) yes, I want you to do this, but be prepared that it will be difficult--and you should not question because of those difficulties that you should have done it, or C) no, I do not want you to this at all--maybe because there is hidden potential for evil, but also it may be because this is just not the ministry I have in mind for you now. As Beth says, if God is telling you these things, don't you want to be able to hear Him?

She uses the analogy of resonance. I was not aware that when playing middle C on the piano, for example, that all the strings for other C's and harmonizing notes do a slight vibration as well. We want to be in that kind of resonance with God so when He plays a note, we are in tuned to what He is telling us. I have always thought of it as the Holy Spirit planting thoughts in my mind.

Here are the three ways the Holy Spirit helps us hear what He is saying: 1) Perceiving is simply sensing what He is telling us, 2) Discerning is not just telling right from wrong so you can avoid wrong, but alo knowing which of all needed good things out there that God wants YOU to focus on, and 3) Having insight for things you may not have the familiarity, point of reference, and backround experience for personally. God gives you what you need to deal with new situations or to help others. Beth gives the example of flying to New York on a practically empty flight after 9/11 when she was asked to speak to a meeting of church leaders. She was praying to God on the way that she had no background experience (file) to pull from in something like this. He put her at ease by telling her He had the file, and she should just let him guide her.

I would highly recommend this study workbook even if you don't have access to the DVDs to watch.

1 comment:

  1. this is great insight and a wonderful reminder :) church this past week talked about the difference between being a believing christian and an acting christian. that we aren't just called to just believe and be comfortable but to act on the things God may call us to do - thanks for sharing!
