Lucado is such a word smith too that you come away with such memorable quotes. Here is how he builds this analogy with a hand to help you remember the five steps to defeating your giants.

1. PAST Start with your thumb. Remember all the ways God has given you strength, guidance, and the help you needed. David only took 5 stones because he trusted God and didn't need a truckload.
"Write today's worries in sand. Chisel yesterday's victories in stone."
2. PRAYER See the deep valley you go through to get from your thumb to your index finger. In my own experience, I have found that sometimes we go through valleys that force us to learn to pray.
"Let it remind you of David's descent. Before going high, David went low; before ascending to fight, David descended to prepare."
3. PRIORITY The tallest finger reminds you that God is the priority.
"Focus on giants--you stumble. Focus on God--your giants tumble."
You focus on bringing God the glory when you defeat your giant.
"See your struggles as God's canvas. On it He will paint His multicolored supremacy."
4. PASSION The ring finger reminds you of passion. Thinking and praying about the problems is just the start. You have to attack.
"David ran, not away from, but toward his giant."
If you have ever read Dave Ramsey's book about how to attack financial problems, you know this is another example of solving a problem--not by just prayer, but by focused and passionate assertion.
5. PERSISTENCE Perhaps another reason for David taking 5 stones was that Goliath had 4 other family members also great in size. He knew if they came to his defense, he would need a stone for each of them--no extras. He would not run or give up, he would stay with it until it was finished. This little finger will remind you that size has nothing to do with it.
What is your giant?
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