Monday, December 14, 2009


I like seasons--even winter for a variety of reasons. Variety is one of the reasons. I enjoy the changes. Even though perfect mid 70's weather everyday has its appeal, I think I would not only get bored with it, but take it for granted. This leads to the second reason I appreciate change: appreciation. Weather that is not as fun makes you more aware of and thankful for those gorgeous days, beautiful blue skies in so many different shades, fluffy clouds, and refreshing breezes. But there is another more philosophical reason that I love seasons.....

I see seasons as an analogy for what our life should be.....not on a 3 month rotation, but at least within the week and even daily.

I think most of us are stuck in summer, going full speed ahead, doing everything we can possible do. We cannot realistically keep this pace, and the quality can suffer without the other phases.

We need to move to fall, as a cool down and prelude to winter. Just likes it not good to stop hard exercise without cool down, we need to phase out of full speed to the slower pace on a regular basis.

Ah winter, except for ice storms with loss of electricity for days and dangerous roads, it has its own charm. This season represents more than any what we probably lack in our lives--rest and reflection. Without rest and reflection, we do not learn from or fully appreciate experiences. I look at bare trees and know they are resting, storing nourishment, and preparing for the next, and possibly most glorious of seasons. Perhaps this should be an analogy for quiet prayer and devotional time that we have trouble "squeezing in" sometimes. This prayer and ponder/rest and reflection should be a priority.

If we are using the rest and reflection, we can get so much more for the next season, which is spring. Using gained wisdom can help us see and enjoy new opportunities and possibilities that we might not see or feel ready for.

Next time you are feeling down due to dreary skies and cold weather, ask God to help you use seasons as a way to live life to its fullest and to His plan.

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